Embed External Content Follow
You may want to post external content from another content provider into your community. Fortunately, Fuel Cycle uses Embed.ly to support dozens of different providers, including:
- YouTube
- Vimeo
- Tumblr
- Flickr
- Prezi
- Reuters
- Forbes
- Marvelapp
- and many more...
For a full list, visit embed.ly/providers.
You can embed external content directly into the content blocks in the Description step when creating an activity.
- On the Landing Page tab, select File as the block type.
- In the second drop-down menu called Select file source, Select Embed.
- Copy the link of the content you want to embed and paste that link into the "Embed URL" field.
- The embedded content will display directly on the activity detail page where the member can interact with it.
You can also embed external content as Attached Media in Albums.
- From the Media tab in the activity creation flow, select the Attached Media Embed button. A pop-up will display.
- Copy the link of the content you want to embed and paste the link into the Embed Code text field in the pop-up.
The embed will display as a thumbnail on the Activity detail page. The member can click on the thumbnail to view the full embed and can interact with it from there.
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