Add Categories and Topics 🎬 Follow
You can use Categories and Topics to organize information within your community. Both titles can be customized in Community Settings > Labels. For example, you could rename "Categories" to "Projects".
Categories are most frequently used to organize community activities around functional themes such as Surveys, Discussions, Live Chats, or Albums. You can also add Categories to list different types of research methodologies.
- Topics organize community activities around a topical area. You could list TV shows, vehicles, customer experience, or many more topics.
Category and Topic Display Behavior
Categories and Topics are only displayed to community members when content is assigned to a Category or Topic. For instance, if you have created a Topic called "Fun Activities for Kids" but have not assigned content to that Topic, that Topic will not show up in the community.
In addition, Categories and Topics will not display to community members unless they are a member of a group to which content has been published. Again, if content for the "Fun Activities for Kids" topic is only published to the group "Parents of Kids 0-12," then only group members will see the "Fun Activities for Kids" Topic in the drop-down menu.
Create a New Category or Topic
Categories are created under Activities > Categories using the + button.
Topics are created under Activities > Topics using the + button.
You can reorder the listing of Categories or Topics with the Reorder button.
Add Category or Topic Descriptions and Images
You can add a description and an image when creating a category or topic.
When members click on specific topics or categories, they will see both an image and a description. The optimal size for this image is at least 2500 pixels wide.
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