Manage Delta Testing Activities 🎬 Follow
Add a New Delta Test
Close Delta Tests
Notifications to Team
Delta Testing is a way for community members to launch projects when testing hardware and software, reporting bugs, and requesting new features. This article covers how to create a Delta Test, add incentive management, close Delta Tests, and send feedback to your team.
Add a New Delta Test
- Click the +New Delta Test button.
- Assign a team to the Delta Test. Your delta test is available to all moderators of the community by default. If you'd like to make a change, please just specify the team in the drop-down menu.
Note: Assignments are important because tickets submitted during the test are directed to the team assigned here. Once you assign a team to a delta test, you won’t be able to change it.
- Click Start Creating Delta Test.
- Add the following information:
- Delta Test Title—This is the title of your Delta Test. This can be the application you're testing, the particular feature name, or software.
- Delta Test Description—Describe what your community will provide feedback on. You can give specific instructions on how participants can test your specific feature or you can describe your application.
- Alias—A short name for your own benefit.
- Delta Test Photos—This will be the photo featured in your community. Select a file to upload.
Add to Topic—You can assign your Delta Test to any of your predefined topics.
- Call to Action—This button displays below the call to action message and is what users click to create a submission.
Select ticket types available for the test—Select one from the list below or multiple or type your own:
- Issue—Select this if you want community members to be able to submit issue tickets. Issue tickets are any problems that arise out of the process of using your application.
- Bug—Select this if you want community members to be able to submit bugs. Bugs are errors produced when there is an incorrect or unexpected result. This is generally tied to a code base issue.
Feature—Select this if you want community members to be able to submit features. Features are new suggestions for your product.
Once a member submits a ticket type, it cannot be changed or removed from the project.
- Click Save & continue to save your progress and move on. Click Save & exit to save your work and finish working. Click Cancel to exit without saving your work.
Landing Page
Add a Landing Page to your Delta Test, exactly as you may add a Landing page to any activity.
As you add your Landing Page, you may only add Text and File blocks.
After adding your Landing Page information, click Save & continue to save your progress and move on. Click Save & exit to save your work and finish working. Click Cancel to exit without saving your work.
Rewards and Availability
Customize your Delta Test:
- Hide From—In this section, you can opt to hide the Delta Test from your home or topics.
- Select Platform—By selecting, you can have your Delta Test appear on the desktop or mobile apps.
- Rewards—You can assign point values for when a member submits a ticket and also the maximum points they can receive.
Click Save & continue to save your progress and move on. Click Save & exit to save your work and finish working. Click Cancel to exit without saving your work.
Invite and Schedule
Customize your Delta Test:
- Invite Members—You can toggle between selecting all members or selecting specific members.
- Publish Date—You can select when you want your Delta Test to begin.
- Close Date—You can select when you want your Delta Test to close.
Click Save & exit to save your work and finish working. Click Cancel to exit without saving your work.
Close Delta Tests
Within the Delta Testing tab, you will see an Actions dropdown in the rightmost column.
- Click Actions.
- You will have the following menu options to select if you want:
- Edit—Make edits to your delta tests.
- Close—Close your delta tests from community members.
- Lock—Disallow ticketing from community members.
- Delete—Delete your delta tests.
Notifications to Team
Delta Testing requires user feedback, so your team must receive notification of that feedback.
- Within the Delta Testing tab, each entry in the testing list has several Total Tickets to view. Click on any Total Tickets number greater than zero to see your user feedback.
- Click the Notifications Off button with the bell icon to turn on all notifications.
- Click the Details > link to see all details of that feedback.
- Click the Notifications Off button with the bell icon to turn on notifications for just that feedback.
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