Support Messages 🎬 Follow
Support messages are a private way for members to contact the moderator. Only those with moderator access can view these messages in the backend. Members can initiate new messages by starting a new issue from the member Support inbox.
There is only one support thread per member so that moderators can easily scroll back and view all communication with a member.
A moderator initiates a response to members' messages from the Communication Center > Support tab. The Support tab displays details on the status of each incoming message from members, including new (not viewed by a moderator), viewed by a moderator, and replied. Based on all moderator activity, you will always know the latest status of each message.
When viewing a member's support message thread, click the link in the top right of that page to view the member's community profile. Moderators can only view member profiles if given permission. If you are instead redirected to the dashboard, review this community's privacy settings for profile access.
Search for support tickets via the member's email address or username using the search bar in the upper right.
Each moderator can customize the frequency of their email notifications by going to Account Settings > Notifications on the moderator side of the platform:
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