Manage FCX Studies Follow
Manage studies directly in the Fuel Cycle platform. When you create a new FCX study in the partner's platform, it's automatically added to Fuel Cycle in the Surveys > FCX Studies section.
This makes it easy to see the available partner studies. You can easily navigate directly to the partner website from Fuel Cycle to Edit a study or view the Report results and analysis by using the links provided on the FCX Studies page.
Add a Study to an Activity Landing Page
It is easy to add a partner study to a Fuel Cycle activity, and it can be attached during the creation of the activity. You can find instructions for adding an FCX block in the Activity Creation section.
Export FCX Activity
When you add an FCX study to an activity landing page, Fuel Cycle will coordinate participation with the third-party system. Participation data may be exported through a typical Activity Export. A separate tab highlights participant tracking variables and participation data.
The FCX tab includes the following data points:
UserTracking ID
User Agent
external reference ID
Initiated: Member clicked on FCX button from the activity landing page, but Fuel Cycle has not received a status from the external tool.
Invalid: Fuel Cycle received a redirect back from the external tool but it did not have a valid status listed (e.g., Completed, Terminated, Over Quota, Data Quality); therefore, no participation was logged nor were points distributed (if offered). Member can retake the study if the retake setting is enabled.
Completed: Fuel Cycle received a completion status in the redirect from the external tool; therefore, participation was logged and points for completion were distributed (if offered).
Terminated: Fuel Cycle received a termination status in the redirect from the external tool; therefore, participation was logged and points for partial completion were distributed (if offered).
Over quota: Fuel Cycle received an over quota status in the redirect from the external tool; therefore, participation was logged and points for partial completion were distributed (if offered).
Data Quality: Fuel Cycle received a data quality status in the redirect from the external tool; therefore, participation was logged and points for partial completion were distributed (if offered).
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