Member Status Definitions Follow
Below is a list of account settings created by default in your community. Check your active rate settings by navigating to Settings > Member Settings. If you have a custom definition, some of these definitions may not apply.
These settings are vital as an internal marker for moderators to better understand participation in their community.
Active—A member who has logged in within the inactivity timeframe set. Default: 30 days.
Activated – True—A member who has completed the account creation process, and has verified their email address by clicking on the activation email. All Activated - True members (Active, Inactive, Dormant) can receive emails from the campaign center.
Activated – False—A member who has started the account creation process, but has not clicked the link in the activation email. Activated false members are "read-only" members that cannot participate in activities or receive emails.
Inactive—A member who has not logged in within the inactivity timeframe set. Default: 30 days.
Dormant—A member who has not logged in within the inactivity closure time frame set. Default: 60 days.
Deleted—A member account that has been deleted by a moderator or the member. Although they cannot log in to the community, deleted members will still appear in member exports as "Deleted" within the Status column, unless removed via Member Data Deletion (California Consumer Privacy Act).
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