Delta Testing: Overview 🎬 Follow
Delta Testing Dashboard
Ticket Dashboard
Ticket Details
Export Ticket Data
Delta Testing tests mobile app usability, website speed, and digital conversions, which are all crucial for customer acquisition, retention, and expansion across every industry. This activity is a way for community members to launch projects when testing hardware and software, reporting bugs, and requesting new features.
Delta Testing Dashboard
The main Delta Testing dashboard is available from the Activities > Delta Testing screen. From here you can view the following information about your test at-a-glance:
- Title
- Alias
- Author who created the test.
- Draft
- Scheduled
- Published
- Closed
- Teams assigned to the test.
- Start date
- End date
- Total Tickets the test has generated.
Actions menu
- View Tickets
- Edit
- Lock (Make read-only)
- Close (Inactivate this test)
- Delete
The following filters may be applied to your list of tests:
- Active or Locked (read-only)
- Draft
- Scheduled
- Published
- Closed
Download details of all your Delta Testing activities to a spreadsheet by clicking the Download List button in the upper right corner of the table.
Ticket Dashboard
Your testers will submit tickets to let you know if there are issues to address. This dashboard helps to organize those communications and respond to their issues. Access the Ticket Dashboard from the main Delta Testing page...
- Click on the number of tickets on the main Delta Testing Dashboard.
- Click the Actions menu, then select View Tickets.
Filters and search boxes at the top of the screen help you to narrow down the list of tickets:
- Active or Deleted tickets
- Ticket Types
- Ticket Statuses
- My Tickets where you are the author.
Below these, a link directs you back to all Delta Test activities.
To the right, the bell icon allows you to turn Notifications off or on. You may export your tickets as well.
The Dashboard table indicates various details about the test tickets:
- Vote—The up-or-down votes for any particular ticket. Moderators or members may click the thumbs-up or thumbs-down buttons to register their vote. They may change their mind on their vote by tapping the same vote (up twice or down twice) to cancel their choice or tapping the opposite vote to switch their choice.
- Link (paperclip) icon—Unique hyperlink ticket links that can be shared with other mods and members alike.
- Title
- Alias
- Author
- Type—Items like Bug, Issue, Feature. These are customizable when you create a new Delta Testing project.
Status—These are customizable when you add or edit your ticket.
- New
- Planned for Development
- Under Review
- Date Submitted
- Last Updated
- Status Updated
- Member Updated
- # of Tickets
- Priority Score
- Actions Menu—Delete the ticket on the same row you clicked the Actions menu.
- Details
Ticket Details
Investigate the details of any tickets your testers submit by clicking the Details > link in the rightmost column of the Ticket Dashboard. This opens the ticket details on the right side of the screen.
At the top of the Ticket Details screen...
- The arrow button
 on the top left closes the Details window.
- A bell icon in the top middle of the screen indicates whether notifications for you for this ticket are on or off.
- The thumbs-up/thumbs-down icons on the top right indicate your vote for that ticket.
- The three-dots icon contains the command to delete this ticket.
Below that, the following fields display that relate to your ticket details:
- Issue type
- Alias
- Author
- Submitted date
- Delta Test
- Status
- Last Updated
- Status Updated
- Priority Score
- External Sync—Enabled by checking the box.
- Attachment(s)
- Linked Tickets—Type to find the ticket(s) you want to link together with a common purpose or background.
- Description
- Assigned to—Choose who to assign the ticket to by using the list of moderators. Filterable by username.
Only the Ticket Detail fields marked with the pencil iconare editable once the ticket has been submitted.
Click the orange Save button to retain any changes. Click Cancel to exit without saving any changes.
Ticket comments
Under the Ticket Detail fields, record any comments relating to a particular ticket.
The text box is a basic text editor with cut/paste possibilities and the capacity to upload a file, using the paper-clip icon in the top right of the text box. Use the lines in the bottom right corner to click and drag the text box to a larger size. Choose the Private or Public checkboxes to indicate whether you want your comment visible to the public or to just moderators.
Click the orange Post comment button to submit your comment.
You can only edit comments that you have submitted. Moderators may delete comments from the moderator management side.
Export Ticket Data
Simple Export
You may export all ticket details to an Excel spreadsheet by clicking on the Simple Export link above and to the right of the ticket list. The export file contains the following columns:
- UpVotes
- DownVotes
- Issue
- Title
- Description
- Issue Type
- Status
- Date Submitted
- Last Updated
- Status Updated
- Member Updated—Date the ticket was last updated by any member either via a new comment or via editing a previous comment.
- # of Comments
- Priority Score
- Author
Advanced Export
Advanced Exports allow for more control of the information you receive in the exports:
- Export Name [required]
- Include Comments
Banners—By default, the Members tab of the export includes User ID, User Role, Username, Email, Status, and Activation status. Enable banners below to add additional account, profile, or survey columns to the member tab.
- Include User Account Fields
P2 Engine—Enter Profiling Point Question
- Include P2 Engine
- Export reference text
- Export message text
- Polls—Enter Poll Question Name
Survey Questions
- Enter Survey Name
Enter Survey Question Name
- Export regular values
- Export coded values
- Export all values
Include All Media Files As
- Link
- Attachment
- Include all deleted items
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