Activity Exports Follow
Exports are available for survey activities, Member Forums, and Member Posts data. All activity exports follow the same workflow, even though the export functions exist on separate tabs.
Review and manage qualitative activities in Fuel Cycle's Qualitative Reporting tool.
- Navigate to the export function (Activities > Activities / Member Posts / Member Forums > Actions dropdown menu).
- Select Export from the Actions drop-down menu.
- On the Create Export page, there are several filters and options for your export.
- Export Name—Exported files will be named in the format Type_Created_ExportName. For instance, Activity_092123_LatestForum.
- Date Range (optional)—Enable a date filter to export content for a certain period.
Banners—By default, the Members tab of the export includes User ID, User Role, Username, Email, Status, and Activation status. Enable the banners below to add additional accounts, profiles, or survey columns to the member tab. With Banners functionality, you have the option to include user account fields, up to 10 member groups, and P2 Engine data.
- Expand all questions, choices, and answers into separate columns: This will expand profile data into columns for all profile and survey questions enabled in the next steps.
- Include User Account Fields: including user account fields exports all required account fields along with the data (such as name, gender, or age). By default, all exports include User ID, User Role, Username, Email, Status, and Activation status.
P2 Engine—You can choose one or multiple profile points that you want to be included in the export. Type the name of the profile point question and matches will display as you type. Select the profile point to add it to the export.
- Include P2 Engine: Select this option to select all active profile points.
- Polls (profile questions)—You can choose any other demographic or custom profile question enabled for your community. Type the poll name. Matches will display as you type. Select the poll to add it to the export.
Survey Questions—Choose any question from any survey used in the community, including screener surveys.
- Type in the survey name in the first field. As you type, matching survey names will display. Select the survey you want to use.
- Type in the question name. As you type, matching questions will display. Select the question you want to include in the export.
Note: if surveys or survey questions do not load, please check your internet connection. Slow connections may not load the questions quickly.
- Display the survey data in 3 different ways:
- Regular values (default)—The values displayed to the participants in the survey and the most common data desired in an export.
- Coded values—The values the survey programmer updated in the survey tool when creating the survey. Also referred to as “reporting values”. These are utilized if performing data analysis (e.g., Strongly Agree = 5) or if there were lengthy or complex questions or options that needed summary values (e.g., How likely are you to purchase this product in the next year? = 12M Purchase Intent, Asian Pacific Islander Desi American = APIDA)
- All values—This exports both coded and regular values columns displayed side by side, so the regular values column can act as a key of sorts for the coded values.
Include all media files as: When enabled, you can export all media files attached to the activity as a link or attachment.
File names match the user who uploaded them so that images are easily sortable and searchable for use in reporting and analysis. Filename format: UserID-DateUploaded-Type_UniqueFileName (for example, 123456-06202023-attachment_1djbdiwrfghaldkjbvnladkfbjnald.jpg).
When Attachment is selected, a folder called "Files" will be included in the ZIP export with all of the original files attached to the activity.- Link: When you use this option, the Excel file will include links for all attached files (in both the Attachments and Comments tabs). To download the actual file, copy/paste the link from Excel into a web browser or place your cursor in the cell with the link and click Enter/Return to automatically create a hyperlink. You can then click the link in Excel to download the file.
- Attachment: Use this option to download all of the files uploaded in the activity, post, or member forum. The ZIP file export will include both the Excel file and another folder called “Files.” The file downloads are located in the Files folder. In the Excel file, you’ll see the filename of the attachment in either the Attachments or Comments tab. You can then find the matching file in the “Files” folder. When including attachments, the export may take some time to generate depending on the volume or size of media files.
Moderators can view thumbnail previews of uploaded media. Previews are available under a column labeled Preview Media.
- Moderators can identify which image/video submission belongs to whom.
- Moderators can see profile data associated with that member in the Comments tab.
- The thumbnail attachment export applies to comments and attachments for the following:
- Activity
- Member Forums
- Member Posts
- The thumbnail attachment export applies to comments and tickets for Delta Testing.
- If a member loads more than one file, this is shown in multiple rows for the Comments tab.
Attachment tab of the export:
- Include all deleted items: The export will include any deleted items if this option is selected.
- Select the Request Export button. You do not need to stay on the page while content is prepared for download.
- Downloading Files:
- You will be automatically directed to the Exports page. There are two types of exports available:
- Zip File: All data is included in the export, including personally identifiable information (PII), such as Name and Email.
- Zip File [masked]: The export will mask (not display) any personally identifiable information (PII).
- The status will display Requested at first. Once the export is ready for download, the status will be Completed.
- Click the Download link to download the export.
- You will be automatically directed to the Exports page. There are two types of exports available:
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