Member Export File Details Follow
This article provides greater detail on the information contained in a member export file. Below is a breakdown of the contents of each column:
User ID—This column displays the unique ID number associated with each account (generated by the platform). This ID cannot be edited as is also the unique identifier pushed to partner platforms, such as Alchemer or Qualtrics.
User Role—This column displays a member's user role: Member, Moderator, or Client
Username—This column displays the username associated with each account (created by each member)
Email—This column displays the email address associated with each account (this field is member-specific)
FirstName—This column lists the member’s first name (as entered during the account creation process)
LastName—This column lists the member’s last name (as entered during the account creation process)
Status—This column displays the member’s status (Active, Inactive, or Closed) at the time the export was pulled
- Your community's definition of Active, Inactive, Closed, and Deleted can be set in the Settings tab under Member Settings.
- Click here to learn more about member activity definitions.
Erased—A member can request that their data be erased. In that case, we delete all private data from our database. This column indicates the date that a user's data was erased from the database.
Activated—This column indicates the member’s activation status (True or False)
- True means that the member has completed the account creation process and has verified their email address by clicking the link in their activation email.
- False means that the member did not complete the activation process. Activated false members cannot complete activities or receive community email campaigns.
Email Valid—This column indicates whether a member’s email address is valid (True) or invalid (False)
- True indicates that the email address is valid and able to receive community emails.
- False indicates that an email address is fake or that our emails have bounced from the inbox. Members with False in this column do not receive email campaigns.
Test Account—This column indicates whether or not an account is a test account. There is also an option to not include test accounts in member exports. Click here for more details about test accounts.
Birthdate—This column lists the date of birth indicated by the member during the registration process on the account creation page. This will populate if you have the Date of Birth profile field enabled and required.
- If only month and year are collected, the Birthdate column will populate with the first day of the month in which the member was born. (ex: 04/01/1990)
- If only the year is collected, the Birthdate column will populate with January 1 and the year the member selects during registration (ex: 01/01/1990)
- If you ask for DOB outside of the account creation page (for example, in the screener), it will not appear in the Birthdate column. You will need to create a Profile Point and include it in the export settings if DOB data is from an outside source.
Age—This column lists the member’s age. This field is calculated with the birthdate information provided in Column J.
- If only month and year are collected (e.g. April 1990), then age is calculated from the first day of the birth month.
- If only day and year are selected (e.g. 5, 1990), then age is calculated from January 1st of that year.
- If only a year is selected, (e.g. 1990), then age is calculated from January 1st of that year.
Gender—This column lists the gender indicated by the member during the registration process on the account creation page. This will populate if your generic Gender profile field is enabled and required.
- If you ask for Gender outside of the account creation page (for example, in the screener), it will not appear in the Gender column of the member export. You will need to create a Profile Point and include it in the export settings if Gender data is from an outside source.
Join Date—This column lists the date the member created their account.
Join IP—This column lists the IP address used when the member created their account
- Duplicate values in this column indicate potential fraudulent activity in the community (i.e. individuals creating duplicate accounts for rewards purposes).
Last Login Date—This column lists the date of the member’s last login.
Last Status Update—This is the last date when the member's status changed. For example, if a member is now Inactive, this column would show the date the member changed from Active to Inactive.
Email Campaign Subscription—This column indicates whether a member is subscribed to receive emails from the community (Field will populate as "True" or "False")
- Members are subscribed to our emails by default. False indicates that the member manually unsubscribed from community email campaigns in their Account Settings.
Lifetime Earned Points—This column lists the total number of points ever earned by the member.
Used Points—This column lists the total number of points ever redeemed by the member for rewards.
Available Points—This column lists the total number of points in the member’s account at the time the export was pulled.
Recruitment ID—This column corresponds to the Recruitment Name. Each Recruitment URL created in the platform is given a unique ID and this column is related to that.
Recruitment Name—This column lists the name of the Recruitment URL that the member used to join the community.
Recruitment Code—This column lists a code that comprises part of the Recruitment URL the member used to join the community
- The code will be unique for “Multiple”-type Recruitment URLs.
- The code will not be unique for “Single”-type Recruitment URLs.
- Click here for more information on recruitment types.
Recruitment Tracking ID—This column lists the unique ID used to track recruitment activity through external providers (typically only applies to panel recruitments)
- Click here to learn more about external recruitment tracking.
Survey Name—This column lists the name of the screener the member completed to join the community
Survey ID—This column is related to the screener survey. It's the unique ID given by the survey provider for the screener survey used in the recruitment.
Survey Response ID—This column lists the member’s unique screener response ID from either Qualtrics or Alchemer.
Login Count—This column lists the number of times the member has logged into the community
- Login count includes “auto logins” from email campaigns. Click here for more information on auto-login.
Content Count—This column lists the number of posts a member has added to diary studies and/or member forums (such as “member-generated content")
Content Survey Count—This column lists the total number of surveys a member has completed, including login polls.
Content Attachment Count—This column lists the number of files a member has uploaded to discussions and/or albums.
Total Comment Count—This column lists the total number of comments a member has posted in the community.
Please note: any Profile Points, Polls, or Survey Questions included in your export request will appear in columns AI and onward.
Profile Points will appear first, in the order indicated on the Export request page.
- If you clicked “Include P2 Engine" then all Profile Points will export and appear in the same order as they are listed on the P2 Engine page on the admin side of the community.
- For more details about including Profile Points in Exports, click here.
Polls will appear in subsequent columns in the order indicated on the Export request page.
Survey Questions will appear in subsequent columns in the order indicated on the Export request page. A second column for each question shows the coded value for both the question (often called question alias) and answers (often called recoded value). If there was a question Alias, the actual Alias provided will display in the column (see column I below). If there was not a question alias, it will display as [Question Text]_Coded in the column (see column K below).
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