Profile Points and Qualtrics Follow
Add Profile Point Data to Qualtrics
Update Embedded Data for Previously Submitted Survey Responses
Update Data for Exporting List of Users
When creating and editing profile points, it’s very important to follow specific steps to ensure the most current data is refreshed and properly synced between Fuel Cycle and Qualtrics.
Add Profile Point Data to Qualtrics
You can Add Profile Point Data to Qualtrics at any time, but data will not be updated until you select the “Force Qualtrics Panel Update” button. This job runs at midnight Eastern time.
This will import and update the data for all of the profile points and is very important to do after creating or editing any profile points.
While the job is running, you’ll see that the status is processing. You will want to wait until the processing is complete before running an export to use the most current member data.
Update Embedded Data for Previously Submitted Survey Responses
When a member takes a survey, Qualtrics records the most current data for that member at the time. Essentially, you get a snapshot of the user’s embedded data at the moment of taking the survey.
If you create or edit a profile point, the embedded data associated with a survey response already recorded in Qualtrics will not automatically update. You need to push refreshed embedded data. Click the Surveys icon on the left, then click Force Qualtrics Panel Update.
Note: This action is only available to super moderator users.
When clicked, all embedded data (profile points) will update, updating the snapshot Qualtrics took of the user’s embedded data to include any new changes made to profile points).
Please note: Any new survey responses taken after you refresh the profile point data will include the latest embedded data. The above option is only necessary if you need to update previously-recorded responses.
Update Data for Exporting List of Users
When you export a list of users inside Qualtrics, you might notice that not all embedded data is included for all users in the export. This is because a user’s data isn’t updated until they take a survey.
So, let’s say you created a new profile point and it’s been running for the past week. During that time, 50% of the members participated in a survey, but the other 50% didn’t. If you export a list of users in Qualtrics, only the 50% who participated in the survey will have the most current embedded data.
To fix this issue, you can manually update data for all users from Surveys by clicking the “Force Qualtrics Panel Update” button.
Note: This action is only available to super moderator users.
Once you click the button, it will set the update job to run at midnight. After the update happens, you can export a list of users in Qualtrics and all data will be updated for all users.
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